Can you be an educational technologist and not work with computers or electronics?

Technology: the specific methods, materials, and devices used to solve practical problems
technology. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Science Dictionary. Retrieved September 14, 2008, from website:

The word "technology" implies inventiveness. It is a practical application of knowledge. Applying technology in the areas of education or performance does not necessarily have to be done with the aid of computers or electronic advancements.   This could be as simple as rearranging desks in a classroom to help promote group discussion.  It could also be to create data-analysis software to assist in reviewing assessment.  The word simply suggests that a process, whether it be to educate or improve human performance, be completed in the most efficient manner possible with optimum results.

In today's society, many of the problems people seek to solve can be dealt with more easily using the myriad of electronic tools available to them.  Few educational technologists will write everything by hand (in preparing reports) or collate data using paper and pencil instead of a spreadsheet.

As educators seek to prepare their students for the future workplace, computers and other electronics will inevitably be a part of the program.
However, to do the job of an educational technologist does not necessarily require the use of such tools.

© 2008 San Diego State University, Jodi Kohler, Deborah Lawson, Diane Main, and Kimberly McCain-Correll